Tax Lien States That Sell Tax Lien Certificates

Below you will find a list of states which sell tax lien certificates. In addition, linked with each state are tax lien summaries including, the statute mandated interest rates, redemption periods and other tax sale information for buying tax liens.

State Interest Rate Penalty Rate Redemption Period
Alabama 12% none 3 yrs
Arizona 16% none 3 yrs
Colorado +9% none 3 yrs
Florida 18% none 2 yrs
Iowa 24% none 2 yrs
Illinois none 18% 2 or 3 yrs
Indiana 10% 10-15% 1 yr
Kentucky 12% none 1 yr
Maryland 6-24% none 6 mo to 2 yrs
Mississippi 18% none 2 yrs
Missouri 10% none 1 yr
Montana 10% 2% 2 or 3 yrs
Nebraska 14% none 3 yrs
New Jersey 18% 4-6% 2 yrs
Nebraska 14% none 3 yrs
Ohio 8% none 1 yr
South Carolina none 3-12% 1 yr
South Dakota 10% none 3 or 4 yrs
Vermont 12% none 1 yr
West Virginia 12% none 18 mo
Wyoming 15% 3% 4 yrs

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